ECHO RP-1200

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The RP-1200 is a team player. A 12,500 daily ball-picking capacity keeps your driving range in peak shape across a 5-6 acre working area. Quiet and autonomous operation, remote command and performance monitoring, and a professional installation customized for your site: the RP-1200 pulls its weight.


  • Autonomous 24/7 performance and returns to its charging station on its own
  • Remote monitoring and command interface via the smartphone application or online portal
  • Silent operation and low cost of ownership
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Maximum Working Area 1 6 acres
Recommended Working Area 1 5 acres
Basket Capacity 320-350 BALLS
Daily Capacity Up to 12,500 balls
Maximum Slope 30%
Mowing Width (in.) 37.6
Weight (lbs.) 2 188
Length (ft.) 3.9
Width (ft.) 4.4
Height (ft.) 1.8
Maximum Noise (dB) 61
AVG Annual Consumption (kWh) 3 680